Natalie Choate on the CARES Act

Helping Clients Navigate Two New Planning Scenarios

Natalie Choate is a reknowned expert on tax planning. She practices law in Boston, Massachusetts, with the firm of Nutter McClennen & Fish, LLP.  Her practice is limited to consultations on estate planning for retirement benefits.

Natalie’s books, Life and Death Planning for Retirement Benefits and The QPRT Manual are leading resources for estate planning professionals.

Join Natalie Choate for a discussion of the new CARES Act, which impacts retirement benefits in two important ways—minimum distributions are “cancelled” for 2020,
and special tax breaks are permitted for Coronavirus-related distributions.

View this on-demand webinar

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In this webinar, Natalie addresses these important topics

Minimum Distributions Cancelled for 2020

  •     How the suspension of 2020 minimum distributions works, mechanically
  •     Special rules for deferred 2019 RMDs and 5-year rule payouts
  •     The impact on DB plans and annuities
  •     The effect on QCDs – is it time to do Roth conversions?
  •     What about people who already took their 2020 RMD – they can “roll it back in,” but…
  •     What about the 60 day deadline?…the once per 12 months limit?
  •     What if the person took monthly payouts, or made QCDs….or DIED?

Special Tax Breaks for Corona-virus Related Distributions

  •     Definition of “CRD”
  •     No 10% tax for those under age 59.5
  •     $100,000 maximum
  •     Pay the tax over 3 years, or…
  •     Roll it back IN within 3 years.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from the expert in this challenging area that impacts clients of all levels of wealth.